Advanced Search

Please note that the search functions on the HER website are provided to help users quickly find information that is of interest to them, however they have their limitations. We welcome enquiries from anyone who requires a more complex search than can be carried out in the online Advanced Search. Please do get in touch if you need assistance.

Here are some brief notes about the Advanced Search. We hope to expand this help page in the near future.


The Keyword, Period and Record ID searches work as for the Simple Search. 


You can use the Advanced Search to search by Site Type and/or Find Type. The Site Types come from the English Heritage Monument Type thesaurus, with additions from the RCAHMS thesaurus plus some terms specific to the Highland Council. To find the meaning of any of these site types before searching, please go to the Glossary. 


The list of Find Types is taken from the MDA Object Types thesaurus. This search will return all monument records which are associated with finds of a certain type. Again, you can find the meaning of any of these terms using the Glossary. 


As well as the Period search, which works as for the Simple Search, the Advanced Search allows you to find records which fall within a specific time range. Please note that this search will return ALL records that fall within the time range you enter. If you require records EXCLUSIVELY within a particular time range please get in touch with us and we can do the search for you in our main database. 


One of the most useful tools available to users of the Advanced Search is the ability to search for all records within a certain radius of a specified grid reference. If you know the grid reference then just type this in the box, with spaces between the letters, eastings and northings, or type the easting and northing directly into the relevant boxes. If you don't know the grid reference, zoom in and click on the map to the right and this will be entered for you. Then select the desired radius of your search area and click Search. This radius search can be combined with any other search criteria. 


Finally, you can search according to when the records were last edited, either on its own or in combination with the other criteria.