The Project

£20,000 worth of Lottery funding for the project sponsored by Lochbroom Field Club has enabled investigation of prehistoric roundhouse occupation. Together with a further £1700 from Highland Council, this money is funding targeted excavations by volunteers from local communities in Achiltibuie, Lochbroom and Gairloch.

The first site was excavated in March 2012. The project is now completed. Charcoal and pottery has been found and analysed to establish occupation dates. Soil samples have been collected and tested to give information about land use.

School children as well as adult volunteers were trained in many archaeological skills, for example TROWELLING, SURVEYING, SOIL SAMPLING, and DRAWING. They had opportunities to explore the settlement landscape. All results have been posted on this website.

The Final Report is now available on our Reports page, or from Ullapool Bookshop.

Please explore the site for details on each dig and look at our Results page and events for follow ups.

Many thanks to all the volunteers, members and school children who helped on the digs and to all those who to continue supporting this project.