EHG1457 - Watching brief (remedial evaluation) at Earls Cross, Dornoch



Alba Archaeology Ltd


October 2005

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In October 2005, Alba Archaeology Ltd was commissioned to undertake a watching brief on the site of a proposed housing development. Topsoil stripping had commenced on the site without implementing the required archaeological evaluation. Only a thin layer of topsoil had been removed revealing a deposit of wind blown sand. This was carefully stripped away under archaeological supervision, revealing thin layers of shell mixed with a fine, light sand - apparently a natural deposit. No archaeological features were observed. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Land north of Elizabeth Crescent, Dornoch
Grid reference Centred NH 80433 90196 (141m by 149m)
Map sheet NH89SW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Shell middens, Earls Cross Road, Dornoch (Monument)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Oct 21 2014 3:31PM

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