Terms and Conditions

1. Copyright

1.1 Copyright is reserved to the Highland Council on all data held within the Highland Historic Environment Record (HER) unless otherwise indicated. The information may be freely used for private or commercial research but the source must be acknowledged.

1.2 The reproduction of material from the HER in published form requires written permission from Highland Council. Data may not by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, sold or re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without our prior written consent.

1.3 Where Highland Council does not own copyright of the material, permission to reproduce the material should be sought from the copyright owner.

1.4 Reports containing historic maps sourced from the National Libraries of Scotland are published on the HER website with the permission of the NLS Map Library. Further information can be obtained from www.nls.uk/maps .

1.5 It is presumed that the authors of reports published on the HER have received permission to reproduce materials contained therein and that proper acknowledgement has been made.

1.6 Images which originate from National Museums Scotland are published on the HER website with kind permission of that organisation. Copyright is held by National Museums Scotland and the images must not be reproduced in any form without prior consent being obtained. In the first instance please contact:

National Museums Scotland
Chambers Street
Tel: 0300 123 6789

e-mail: info@nms.ac.uk

2. Commercial use policy

2.1 You are welcome to use the information on these web pages for development management purposes, forestry schemes, constructing management policy and other commercial uses. However, the HER information should not be used in isolation and you are strongly advised to seek specialist advice from the Highland Council Historic Environment Team.

2.2 Highland Council cannot be held responsible for the misuse or misinterpretation of any information held in our HER and accept no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on the resource.

3. Database

3.1 The information in this database has been drawn together from a wide variety of sources and has rarely been verified in the field by Highland Council staff. The listings are as comprehensive as possible but they should not be regarded as definitive and the original sources should be consulted as appropriate. No responsibility can be accepted by Highland Council or any of its staff for any errors or omissions and no claims for compensation or negligence will be accepted.

3.2 Although every effort is made to keep the HER as comprehensive and as up-to-date as possible, it is not, and cannot ever be, definitive. For example, there may be information concerning existing or newly discovered archaeological sites which has not yet been added to the HER database. In addition, further study is certain to reveal additional sites of archaeological interest in the future.

3.3 The whereabouts of any artefacts, documentary sources, photographs or other physical material referred to in the HER cannot be guaranteed.

3.4 Any information obtained from the HER must not be used to the detriment of the historic environment.

4. Mapping

4.1 The Ordnance Survey mapping used in this web-site is provided by Highland Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey (licence number 100023369) in order to fulfil its statutory function to make available Council-held public domain information.

4.2 HER data represented on the interactive map is for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily represent an accurate or complete representation of archaeological sites or features. Highland Council cannot be held responsible for the misuse or misinterpretation of any mapped information and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on the resource.

4.3 Spatial data relating to nationally designated Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Gardens and Designed Landscapes, Inventory Battlefields and Historic Marine Protected Areas is derived from data supplied by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and is subject to Crown copyright. All designation datasets can be downloaded directly from the HES portal.

5. Public access

5.1 Under the Scottish Land Reform Act and the Scottish Outdoor Access Code there is a right of responsible access to the countryside. However, in some cases and where appropriate, the permission of the landowner or tenant should be sought.

5.2 The inclusion of a shipwreck in the HER does not imply that it can be safely dived.

6. Legal protection

6.1 Many of the sites and buildings recorded in the HER are protected by law and it is a criminal offence to damage them.

6.2 It is an offence to use a metal detector on a Scheduled Monument.

6.3 Any alteration to a Listed Building requires prior permission from the local planning authority, the Highland Council. Any work on a Scheduled Monument requires prior permission from Historic Environment Scotland.