May 13 Set up/ May 19 Clear up
May 14-18 Dig
May 15 Primary School visit
May 17 High School visit
May 16 Open Day
See Finds and Results for initial results.
The results are back from the radiocarbon tests analysed by SUERC. Go to Radiocarbon Results page for more information.
May 13th
Set up cancelled: we could not stand up in gale force northerly winds and driving rain
May 14th
Hillside sodden. Winds still gale force but no rain.
Volunteers valiantly arrived, those from the East had negotiated snow on the roads.
Posts and site notices bashed in with difficulty.
Consternation at absence from site of trench marker pegs which had been ‘removed’ ? - by some happy pegless camper?- Trenches re marked and again planetabled.
Cake and shelter in friendly campervan restored spirits.
Turf removal began, a tough task.
May 15th
Digging under way. No stones yet. Hilarity when one stone uncovered in wall trench. Anna’s comment ‘Don’t’ get so excited’ More hilarity.
Windbreak erected for ‘ladies’ but difficult to fix poles so chaps decided to do without!
Primary school visited, surveyed and trowelled. Activities curtailed by very cold winds.
Arrival of Martin. Stones now appearing in abundance. More cake.
May 16th
Still bitterly cold.
A stone tool was found inside wall face ;a slim smooth rounded pebble, probably a ‘rubber’, and in the wall fill was a heavy rounded stone. possibly an anvil. A possible hearth stone appeared in the central trench, with a few charcoal flakes.
Wall trench was dug to natural ground level.
May 17th
High school children visited and dug in very muddy flooded soil trench.
All trenches sectioned and drawn. This clarified wall construction.
Nearby ‘clearance’ cairns planetabled.
All done: trenches infilled. Always sad to do this