EHG2728 - Watching brief - Bellfield, Charlestown, Inverness



CFA Archaeology Ltd


June 2007

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An archaeological watching brief was maintained by CFA in 2007 during the excavation of forty-two test pits in the vicinity of a probable ring ditch and enclosure recorded from aerial photographs. Of the original proposed forty-two test pits, a revised thirty-seven were excavated. The test pits were excavated using a mechanical excavator. The topsoil was removed using a smooth-bladed bucket to reveal the subsoil surface in order to identify any archaeological remains. A toothed bucket was used to excavate below the subsoil-surface. Each test pit was c. 2.5m by 1.5m in plan and was excavated to a maximum depth of 3m. No archaeological remains were found. Test Pit 11 was found to contain a dump of modern material, including glass jars and fencing material, and Test Pit 9 had a rubble field drain running north-east to southwest. <1>

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Location Bellfield, Charlestown
Grid reference Centred NH 64173 48563 (616m by 363m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH64NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish KNOCKBAIN

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Record last edited

Nov 24 2022 11:45AM

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