EHG3467 - Watching brief - Novar II Windfarm
AOC Archaeology Group
Aug 10-Feb 11
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A watching brief was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group in 2010-11 during topsoil stripping of six haul roads and sixteen turbine bases for a new extension to the Novar windfarm. Peat was encountered in most areas, and was over 2m deep in places. The watching brief revealed a single ditch feature under the access road. The feature was fully recorded and deemed of negligible significance. No further works are recommended. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Novar II Windfarm |
Grid reference | Centred NH 5689 6992 (6521m by 4159m) (3 map features) |
Map sheet | NH56NE |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Operational Area | ROSS SKYE AND LOCHABER |
Civil Parish | KILTEARN |
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Record last edited
Apr 10 2015 9:55AM