EHG5362 - Evaluation and watching brief - Kingsteps, Nairn



AOC Archaeology Group


Nov 2018

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A 10% archaeological trial trenching evaluation and watching brief were carried out by AOC Archaeology Group in November 2018 on land at Kingsteps, Nairn, in advance of the construction of a new housing development with associated infrastructure. The works were part of a planning requirement, as the proposed development site is located in an area with potential for the survival of sub-surface archaeological remains. Evaluation trenching took place over five days between 26th and 30th November 2018. Thirty four trenches of various sizes were excavated across the site with an area totalling 5156m2 (7.5% of the development area). Three pits of possible prehistoric origin and the remains of linear features likely to be related to rig and furrow cultivation were uncovered. A watching brief for future site clearance was recommended within a 30m radius of the recorded archaeological pit features to identify any further archaeological remains. The watching brief took place over three days between 28th – 30th November 2018, covering two areas of the development site within a badger exclusion zone. No finds or features of archaeological interest were recorded. No further work is recommended in these areas. <1>

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Location Kingsteps, Nairn
Grid reference Centred NH 9033 5713 (398m by 271m) (3 map features)
Map sheet NH95NW
Civil Parish NAIRN
Geographical Area NAIRN

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Record last edited

Mar 24 2020 7:12PM

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