EHG5445 - Excavation and watching brief - Morayston Bio-digester, Tornagrain



Highland Archaeology Services Ltd


Nov 15-April 16

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A programme of archaeological excavation and recording work was carried out by Highland Archaeology Services in 2015-16 on behalf of Tornagrain Gas Mill Limited prior to the construction of a bio gas plant at Morayston, Tornagrain. The fieldwork stage recorded a range of significant buried archaeological features and deposits, the great majority of which are provisionally dated to the prehistoric period. The principal archaeology identified included the remains of four classic timber roundhouse structures plus a number of associated four-post timber structures and two groups of intercutting pits that contained deposits rich in charred organic material and finds, the latter including a large assemblage of stratified pottery sherds. The pit groups are termed ‘pit-kilns’ in the report and are provisionally interpreted to reflect activity associated with prehistoric pottery production during the Neolithic or Bronze Age periods. If this preliminary interpretation is confirmed the identification of a site of prehistoric settlement that includes evidence for associated pottery production will be of regional and possibly national importance. Other finds were recovered including flint and stone tools and small amounts of burnt or cremated bone. A large piece of charred wood is tentatively interpreted to reflect a deliberately placed domestic object. The interim report sets out the preliminary results of the project. It includes recommendations for a final stage of post-excavation analysis and reporting work. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Morayston, Tornagrain
Grid reference Centred NH 7484 4934 (359m by 326m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH74NW
Civil Parish PETTY
Geographical Area INVERNESS

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Record last edited

Feb 5 2021 5:40PM

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