EHG5545 - Watching brief - proposed Broadford Community Hospital, Skye



AOC Archaeology Group


Aug 2018

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An archaeological watching brief was carried out by AOC Archaeology Group in 2018 on land between the MacKinnon Memorial Hospital and the Broadford Medical Centre on the east side of High Road / An Rathad Ard, Broadford, Isle of Skye, in relation to the construction of a new community hospital. Previous archaeological investigation in 2011 in advance of the construction of the nearby Broadford Medical Centre uncovered substantial prehistoric archaeological remains. An archaeological evaluation (see MHG5543) and watching brief (see MHG5542) in relation to the present ground investigation works on the site identified no significant archaeological remains. However, given the proximity to the 2011 archaeological features the site was subject to a full a watching brief in order to identify and record further significant archaeological sites prior to their destruction by the development. Fieldwork comprised a topsoil strip of all the accessible development area in order to determine the presence of any archaeological features. No significant archaeological remains were uncovered and no further archaeological work is required. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location proposed Broadford Community Hospital, Skye
Grid reference Centred NG 6412 2395 (108m by 122m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG62SW
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish STRATH

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Record last edited

Aug 26 2021 11:27AM

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