EHG5563 - DBA and walkover survey - Coul Links
Northlight Heritage
May-June 2016
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A desk based assessment and walkover survey was undertaken by Northlight Heritage in 2016 for a site at Coul Links near Embo, in advance of the proposed development of a golf course. The work was intended to inform an Environmental Statement for the proposed development. All cultural heritage features identified were recorded by written description, photographs and, where appropriate, measured sketches. Their location was also noted and tied to the Ordnance Survey grid. The methodology for assessing potential direct effects on cultural heritage sites sought to assess how the development would affect cultural heritage sites, or receptors, within the development boundary. This primarily related to the degree by which construction of the development would adversely affect known sites and potentially unknown buried remains. The assessment of potential effects on the cultural heritage receptors was conducted with reference to two distinct areas. The Near Study Area was used to assess potential direct and indirect effects and consisted of the area within the proposed development boundary and sites within 1km, the latter being in order to provide an archaeological and historical context for the area. This wider context also helps in the process of determining the potential for discovering as yet- unknown, sub surface remains within the development site. The Wider Study Area was for sites that have no potential to be directly affected but may be subject to indirect effects consisted of the area beyond the development boundary. This second study area extended to 3km from the edge of the development boundary. A total of 28 sites of cultural heritage interest were identified during the desk assessment and field survey within the development boundary and a further 42 sites were identified within 1 km of the development boundary, although the latter grouped numerous sites at Littleferry into one site. Despite the design process avoiding direct effects on most of the known cultural heritage sites within the development boundary, potential direct effects were predicted on 14 sites.
It was considered that mitigation of potential direct effects on most sites during construction of the development would be achievable through avoidance, by means of demarcating these sites with an appropriate buffer. Mitigation would likely involve pre-construction evaluation through trial trenching of all sites that could not be avoided and areas deemed sensitive to unknown remains. This would focus on all land west of the line defining the raised beach, roughly corresponding to that immediately around and to the west and south of Coul Farm. It was also considered important to note that if significant remains were uncovered during this mitigation, full archaeological excavation may be required to ensure preservation through record. Mitigation of potentially undiscovered remains would also take the form of archaeological watching briefs during ground disturbance in areas deemed sensitive to the discovery of unknown remains. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Coul Links |
Grid reference | Centred NH 8088 9420 (1718m by 2487m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NH89SW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | DORNOCH |
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Record last edited
Mar 16 2023 11:14AM