EHG5714 - DBA and walkover survey - proposed Wind turbine (Tacher B)
AOC Archaeology Group
Aug 2019
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A Heritage Impact Assessment was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group in 2019 for a proposed development at Tacher, Latheron, Caithness. The proposed development consists of the construction of one 130m turbine, to the north of the farm known as Tacher on the western side of the A9, Latheron. A walkover survey of the site was undertaken. The site was accessed from Tacher farm, in the centre of the site and from the A9. The assessment identified no heritage assets, designated or non-designated, within the proposed turbine location nor within the area of proposed infrastructure. Having established the historic environment baseline for the area, it was judged there was a medium potential for prehistoric remains to survive on the site due to its location between two Scheduled Standing Stones and the presence of two potential hut circles within 1km of the site. It was judged there was a low potential for early historic and medieval archaeology to survive, due to the paucity of remains from those dates recorded within the 1km study area. Historic mapping indicated that the site lay in an agricultural landscape in the post-medieval period, occupied by dispersed settlements, though it is unknown if the site was intensively used in the period. It was recommended that a watching brief be carried out during groundworks for the new turbine and associated infrastructure. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Tacher |
Grid reference | Centred ND 1732 4716 (671m by 303m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | ND14NE |
Civil Parish | LATHERON |
Geographical Area | CAITHNESS |
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Record last edited
May 6 2022 12:45PM