EHG5719 - Watching brief - contractor's compound, HVDC Switching Station, Noss Head





Oct 2020

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A desk-based assessment by ORCA in 2020 identified no additional sites of archaeological interest within the site boundary of a proposed contractor compound associated with the construction of an HVDC switching station. However, it was noted that the site lies within the perimeter of Wick airport and it is considered possible that further remains relating to the WWII airfield RAF Wick may be present on site. It was recommended that an archaeological watching brief be conducted for any ground-breaking works and that a group of bomb stores adjacent be fenced off. <1> A watching brief was undertaken by Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA) in 2020 at Noss Head near Wick, Caithness, prior to the construction of a contractor’s compound associated with the development of an HVDC switching station. Following consultation with the Local Authority Archaeologist, archaeological monitoring was undertaken for a survey and watching brief conducted by Zetica (UXO contractors) which covered the known area of an aircraft dispersal pen, associated with RAF Wick, a WWII airfield, which was located within the proposed location of the compound. The results of the watching brief showed that concrete and tarmac surfaces and iron fixings associated with the airfield were present on site. It was considered that these remains have been sufficiently investigated during this phase of works and no further archaeological mitigation is required. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Location Noss Head
Grid reference Centred ND 3662 5331 (172m by 189m) (2 map features)
Map sheet ND35SE
Civil Parish WICK
Geographical Area CAITHNESS

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Record last edited

May 9 2022 2:58PM

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