EHG5763 - Watching brief and excavation - proposed housing development, Kirkhill



AOC Archaeology Group


May 2021

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An archaeological watching brief and associated excavation were carried out by AOC Archaeology Group in 2021 at Kirkhill, Inverness, ahead of a proposed housing development. The watching brief was required as an evaluation carried out in March 2021 (see EHG5762) identified fifteen prehistoric features, including postholes and pits, in addition to a previously unknown cup-marked stone. The watching brief uncovered a further eighty-two features consisting of one roundhouse, nine pit groups, two possible fire-pits and various other isolated pits and postholes. The roundhouse comprised a post-ring with a SSE-facing porch and multiple internal pit features. Nine pit groups, three linear curved features, three rectangular features and four fire-pits were recorded in close proximity to the roundhouse location, while across other areas of the site were isolated pits, which did not form meaningful arrangements. The results from the archaeological work Kirkhill suggest that the site was the location of a prehistoric settlement with associated activities. Post-excavation analyses will be required to understand the chronology and the activities undertaken on the site. <1>

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Location Kirkhill
Grid reference Centred NH 5589 4578 (89m by 154m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH54NE
Civil Parish KIRKHILL
Geographical Area INVERNESS

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Record last edited

Jun 14 2022 12:27PM

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