EHG5822 - DBA and walkover survey - proposed windfarm extension, Creag Rhiabhach
Highland Archaeology Services Ltd
Feb 2022
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A baseline re-assessment was undertaken by Highland Archaeology Services in 2022, commissioned by Creag Riabhach Windfarm, in advance of the possible extension of the existing wind farm on the site. The reassessment included a site visit and update to desk-based assessment in order to evaluate the need for additional cultural heritage investigations as part of application for the installation of 3 additional turbines and the submission of an Environmentakl Impact Assessment. The site visit was designed to identify and record visible archaeological remains in the vicinity of the proposed development. The survey and DBA update forms part of the predetermination works for the proposed Windfarm extension. The site visit identified and recorded the possible remains of a possible post-medieval or modern quarry, within the proposed development area which is deemed to be of low heritage value. No other heritage assets were noted within the assessment area. As no significant archaeological assets or features were discovered within the proposed development area or within its vicinity, it is recommended that no further archaeological works are required. <1> <2>
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1>XY SHG29085 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: McGovern, J.. 2022. Creag Riabhach Wind Farm Extension 2022: Baseline Reappraisal. Highland Archaeology Services. 08/07/2022. Digital. [Mapped features: #12616 ; #12617 Survey area, ]
- <2> SHG29559 Text/Report/Environmental Statement: McKeggie, L.. 2023. Creag Riabhach Wind Farm Extension: Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Cultural Heritage chapter). Highland Archaeology Services. 07/07/2023. Digital.
Location | Creag Rhiabhach |
Grid reference | Centred NC 5286 2764 (870m by 1338m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NC52NW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | FARR |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
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Record last edited
Jan 30 2024 1:43PM