EHG5933 - Watching brief - geotechnical works, proposed HMP, Milton of Leys
CFA Archaeology Ltd
April 2016
A watching brief was carried out by CFA Archaeology in 2016 on the excavation of28 site investigation test-pits at Milton of Leys near Inverness, a proposed location for a new Inverness prison facility. Topsoil was removed down to the natural undisturbed subsoil or the first archaeological horizon by a 360º tracked excavator or JCB 3CX type machine equipped with a toothless ditching bucket under the constant supervision of a qualified professional archaeologist. If archaeological features or deposits were identified the test-pit was moved. If nothing of significance was identified the test-pit was completed with the use of a toothed bucket. Deep deposits of made ground were identified where mounds of spoil from earlier development had been bunded across the northeastern extent of the proposed application area. Generally the test-pits identified between 0.3m and 0.4m of topsoil over natural. However, where bunds had been formed, they had been sealed with between 0.1m and 0.4m of redeposited topsoil. Below this redeposited topsoil the bunded material measured more than 3.4m deep in places. Probable archaeological features were identified in two of the test-pits, which were close to the southeastern boundary of the proposed application area where probable archaeological features had been found during an earlier phase of work undertaken in 1999 (see EHG5742). A possible archaeological feature was identified in TP23. The test-pit was enlarged slightly to try and determine the nature of the feature but it extended beyond the edges of the test-pit and the full extent of the feature was not exposed. In plan it appeared to be curvilinear measuring c. 3.6m long x 0.75m wide and was filled with dark brown sandy clay with inclusions of sub-angular stones. The test-pit was moved to preserve the feature in situ. Two possible small pits were identified in TP24 (Fig. 3). In plan they appeared sub- circular and about 0.4m wide, both features appeared to extend beyond the test-pit. The test-pit was moved to preserve the feature in situ. No excavation of the identified features was undertaken as the test-pits were moved and the features were preserved in situ. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Milton of Leys, Inverness |
Grid reference | Centred NH 7051 4198 (319m by 331m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NH74SW |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
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Nov 22 2022 3:27PM