EHG5976 - DBA and walkover survey - proposed Tormsdale Wind Farm



Arcus Consultancy Services


Nov 2019


An archaeological desk-based assessment and walkover survey were undertaken by Arcus Consultancy Services in 2019 to establish the known or potential archaeological resource baseline in order to assess the effects of the proposed Tormsdale Wind Farm. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will utilise the baseline within the DBA to full assess any potential effect to archaeological resource within a separate EIA Report chapter. The Core Study Area (CSA) covered approximately 536 ha centred on NGR 314000 949000. The CSA is the area in which direct effects to archaeology may occur. A 1 km Study Area, which included the CSA and land within a 1 km radius, was used to aid the assessment of potential unknown archaeology. An initial 15 km Study Area was used to identify assets which have the potential to receive a change to their setting as a result of the Development and for which further assessment may be required in the EIA Report. The data collection exercise identified a total of 27 heritage assets within the CSA. This included 16 HER features, one farmstead identified through the Canmore dataset, nine features identified through cartographic analysis and one feature identified through aerial photography. In conclusion, it was considered likely that any work undertaken within the CSA would have potential to directly impact upon potentially significant, previously undiscovered archaeological remains. Avoidance of known archaeology and waterways was recommended as these are the areas of highest archaeological potential. Where this would not feasible, a programme of archaeological work to secure preservation by record may be appropriate. The DBA forms the baseline for the assessment within the EIA Report chapter with further recommendations for mitigation based on the final design layout. Within the 15 km Study Area, there were 210 designated heritage assets. This included 145 Scheduled Monuments, 64 Listed Buildings of all categories, and Lybster Conservation Area. Therefore, there would also be the potential for indirect impacts resulting from changes to setting for heritage assets within the 15 km Study Area. As part of the EIA, the design would be refined and a sieving exercise undertaken to determine which designated heritage assets may receive a change in setting that might affect their cultural significance. Not all assets within 15 km would require assessment with the final selection of heritage assets requiring assessment reported fully in the EIA Report. <1> The full EIA report was produced in 2021. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Location Tormsdale
Grid reference Centred ND 1394 4942 (4195m by 4189m) (2 map features)
Map sheet ND14NW
Civil Parish HALKIRK
Geographical Area CAITHNESS

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Jan 25 2023 12:18PM

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