EHG5991 - Evaluation and watching brief - new house site, Glen Drynoch, Skye



West Coast Archaeological Services


Nov-Dec 2022

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An archaeological field evaluation and watching brief were carried out by West Coast Archaeological Services in 2022 at Glen Drynoch on the Isle of Skye, in advance of the construction of a proposed new house, access track and associated infrastructure. The work was undertaken to assess the nature and extent of the archaeological sites likely to be affected within the areas outlined for proposed development and to inform recommendations for their protection and management where necessary. The field evaluation and watching brief were recommended following a desk-based assessment and walkover survey (see EHG5747) which recorded 9 sites/features of archaeological interest including farmsteads, byres, enclosures, boundary dykes, and areas of rig and furrow cultivation. The archaeological field evaluation and watching brief evaluated 3 structures that would be directly impacted by the proposed site works. The excavations, initially using hand-excavated trenches, and followed by machine-stripping of the ground associated with the structures, revealed structural details relating to the construction of the buildings, and a range of features and archaeological deposits relating to their use. The buildings comprised low, stone foundations and turf superstructures, with two proposed phases of activity at the site. Internal features included open spot hearths and small, slab-covered drains, along with post-holes in two of the structures to support the roof. Floor and occupation deposits were difficult to identify in two of the buildings, which may indicate their short-lived use, or a function associated with animal husbandry (byres). However, the largest of the buildings, which almost certainly comprised a dwelling, had shallow floor deposits with spreads of charcoal and ash, with more distinct spreads of ash associated with hearth rake-outs. Two of the buildings produced no artefacts, although a stone/cobble tool was recovered from the external drainage ditch fill of one of the structures. Artefacts recovered from the larger, house structure were also limited and included sherds from a glass bottle recovered from below the collapsed wall, and a small collection of post-medieval ceramics and glass sherds, a small bronze button, and thin strip of bronze, all of which were recovered from ash deposits resulting from hearth rake-outs. A half of a well-used disc quern (upper stone) with central hopper hole and three handle holes had been used in covering a drain in the building. The constructional details recovered from these buildings is so far unique to Skye, while it has also been difficult to find parallels from the Highlands of Scotland in general. This was thought most likely the result of limited archaeological interventions in structures dating to the historic period. Vernacular architecture in the north and west of Scotland is still poorly understood, especially from the later medieval to post-medieval periods. However, questions surrounding this important and transient period of architectural development in Scotland is now being addressed through historical research and more invasive excavation work, especially through developer-funded work. The artefacts recovered from the structures appeared to relate to their latter stages of use and post- abandonment phase. Therefore, given uncertainties regarding the date of their construction and main period of use, a programme of further archaeological input for this project was recommended. This should include processing of samples recovered from hearths in two of the buildings to see if material could be secured for radiocarbon dating. The small assemblage of artefacts recovered from the site should also be assessed, especially with regards to their potential age. <1>

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Location Glen Drynoch, Skye
Grid reference Centred NG 4147 3141 (99m by 107m) (3 map features)
Map sheet NG43SW
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish BRACADALE

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Record last edited

Feb 20 2023 2:40PM

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