EHG5993 - Watching brief and strip, map, sample - new housing development, Drum Farm, Drumnadrochit
AOC Archaeology Group
Aug-Oct 2022
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Archaeological monitoring and strip, map and sample excavations were undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group in 2022 at Drum Farm, Drumnadrochit ahead of a proposed housing development. The work was carried out following an evaluation undertaken in July 2022 (see EHG5873). The archaeological monitoring and excavation uncovered a range of different archaeological features from multiple prehistoric periods. The earliest recorded phase of activity on site comprised a possible Neolithic sub-rectangular structure (Structure A) within an enclosure ditch or palisaded enclosure. There were also multiple pit groups identified which contained Neolithic pottery fragments, mainly concentrated at the west end of the Site. Two prehistoric funerary features, a cist and a round barrow of possible Bronze Age date, were identified; no human remains, or grave goods were identified however. The cist did not have a capstone and had likely been disturbed prior to excavation. The round barrow comprised a ring ditch containing a central grave cut with some associated internal and external pits and postholes and an entrance to the north-east. Evidence for further prehistoric settlement was evidenced by three roundhouses (Structures B, C and D) thought to be of Bronze Age or Iron Age origins. A range of metal working features were also identified which suggests that either Iron Age or later activity was occurring on site. The site at Drum Farm is part of a prehistoric landscape which has been investigated and discovered through development led-archaeology. The investigations at Drum Farm are an important addition to our understanding of early and late prehistoric activity around Drumnadrochit and the Loch Ness landscape. Further post-excavation work, including publication and dissemination of the results, will be required and will be outlined in a post-excavation research design (PERD). <1>
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Location | Drum Farm, Drumnadrochit |
Grid reference | Centred NH 5103 2969 (557m by 254m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NH52NW |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
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Record last edited
Feb 24 2023 10:14AM