EHG6006 - DBA and walkover survey - Broadford Substation extension, Skye



CFA Archaeology Ltd


Nov 2022


A desk-based assessment and walkover survey were carried out by CFA Archaeology in 2022 in advance of a proposed extension to the Broadford Substation on Skye and to inform an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA. Three heritage assets were identified in the Inner Study Area. These were associated with medieval or post-medieval settlement and agrarian activities. No prehistoric remains were identified within the Inner Study Area. An assessment of the identified heritage assets, and consideration of the current and past land use, within the Inner Study Area, suggested that there was a negligible likelihood of hitherto unidentified buried remains being present in the Inner Study Area except in discrete areas pasture areas to the south of the existing Broadford Substation. It was assessed that there is potential for construction works within the Inner Study Area to result in direct effects on two heritage assets, former field system (1) and former peat cuttings (3). In the absence of mitigation, the direct effects were assessed as being potentially of negligible significance (not significant in EIA terms). No mitigation was recommended in respect of the predicted effects on these assets. Two Scheduled monuments, two Category B Listed Buildings and three Category C Listed Buildings were identified within the Outer Study Area. The ‘bare-earth’ ZTV indicates that there would be predicted visibility of the Proposed Development from one Scheduled Monument and one Category C Listed Building. There would be effects of minor significance (not significant in EIA terms) on the setting of one Scheduled Monument, Old Corry, Cairn (SM 13673) and a negligible effect (not significant in EIA terms) on the setting of Category C Listed Broadford, Limekiln (LB 13990). It was considered that the cumulative effect of the Proposed Development in combination with other cumulative developments in the vicinity is considered would not be significant. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Broadford Substation, Skye
Grid reference Centred NG 6274 2435 (727m by 804m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG62SW
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish STRATH

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Mar 1 2023 1:47PM

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