EHG6030 - Trial trenching - proposed distillery, Strath Mashie
Highland Archaeology Services Ltd
Sept 2022
A trial trenching evaluation was undertaken by Highland Archaeology Services in 2022 in advance of development of a distillery at Strath Mashie, Speyside. Twnrty-four trenches were excavated and examined for archaeological features and material. During the evaluation three trenches were found to contain archaeological features. These comprised the targeted military road within two of the trenches and a borrow pit thought to be associated with the building of the military road in a third trench. A small pit was also noted on the edge of the borrow pit. Due to the lack of other features noted during the work no further archaeological work on site was recommended. However some limited post excavation tasks are recommended. These include the submission of a piece of glass recovered from the road surface to a specialist for analysis and the flotation and botanical analysis of a single sample from the small pit located next to the borrow pit. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Strath Mashie |
Grid reference | Centred NN 5863 9347 (342m by 185m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NN59SE |
Operational Area | ROSS SKYE AND LOCHABER |
Civil Parish | LAGGAN |
Geographical Area | LOCHABER |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
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Record last edited
Apr 4 2023 3:22PM