EHG6067 - Desk-based assessment and walkover survey - Kilfinnan Farm, Laggan



Headland Archaeology Ltd


May 2022

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An assessment of the cultural heritage significance and importance of known heritage assets and potential archaeological remains was undertaken by Headland Archaeology in 2022 for a proposed spoil storage and compound area at Kilfinnan Farm near Spean Bridge. The likely significant environmental effects of the proposed development on the cultural significance of heritage assets were also assessed. The assessment included desk-based research and a site vist/walkover survey of the area. It was concluded that there is high potential for previously unknown archaeological remains of a post-medieval date to survive within the Inner Study Area (ISA). The remains may relate to the battle of Blar- na-Léine and could be of up to high (national) importance. There was also concluded to be low potential for previously unknown archaeological remains of a medieval date to survive within the ISA. These remains would relate to the medieval chapel which has the potential to survive here and could be of up to medium (regional) importance. The assessment considered the likely impact that future development would have on below-ground archaeological remains and built heritage within the ISA in accordance with planning policy and guidance. The likely development impacts were considered to be of a level of significance that they could be adequately mitigated through a staged programme of archaeological and built heritage recording. This would likely to take the form of concentrated metal detecting and monitored topsoil stripping in order to mitigate the archaeological constraints, and a suitable programme of historic building recording (for the Kilfinnan Farm buildings) and protection of Kilfinnan Burial Ground and McDonnell Mausoleum (LB6833) within the ISA to mitigate built heritage constraints. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Kilfinnan Farm, Laggan
Grid reference Centred NN 2782 9572 (1044m by 796m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NN29NE
Geographical Area LOCHABER

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Record last edited

Jul 13 2023 1:06PM

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