EHG6070 - Walkover survey - proposed Loch Liath Wind Farm, Balmacaan



LUC (Edinburgh)


May 2021


A desk-based assessmnet and walkover survey were conducted by LUC in 2021 in order to prepare a Historic Environment assessment (HEA) to accompany a proposal for a new wind energy development at Loch Liath, Balmacaan. No heritage assets were identified within the footprint of the proposed development. Land use of the exposed, wet and unproductive upland plateau appeared to have been limited to seasonal grazing and sporting activities, and the potential for the previously unrecorded heritage assets including buried archaeological remains within the footprint of the proposed development was assessed as being low to negligible. There were extensive areas of peat across the upland plateau. As peat is formed by anaerobic conditions that prevent the microbiological activity needed for the chemical breakdown of organic materials, it was considered that there was potential for organic archaeological remains, and a high potential for paleoenvironmental evidence. Heritage assets within the wider landscape were characterised by evidence of prehistoric settlement and funerary monuments, post-medieval buildings, pre-Improvement farmsteads, townships and shieling sites, a battlefield, Improvement era farmsteads and buildings associated with sporting activity, including Loch Ashlaich shooting box and bothy, a category C listed building. A number of designated heritage assets which may experience setting change as a result of the operation of the proposed development were also included in the HEA baseline. These comprised Iron Age or early medieval settlements formed of oval hut circles and round houses accompanied by clearance cairns and field systems, a Pictish cemetery and Urquhart Castle located on the western shore of Loch Ness. Urquhart Castle was included in the HEA baseline due to in-combination views from Loch Ness. No significant effects were identified for the heritage assets identified in the cultural heritage baseline, including as a result of setting change. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Balmacaan
Grid reference Centred NH 3874 2216 (4734m by 10413m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH32SE
Geographical Area INVERNESS

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Jul 21 2023 12:07PM

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