EHG6085 - DBA and walkover survey - proposed telecommunications mast, Acharn Wood



AOC Archaeology Group


July 2023


A desk based assessment and walkover survey were undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group with regard to a proposed telecommunications mast and associated infrastructure located within unimproved moorland south of Boath Road, Lealty, Ardross. The northern extent of the access route portion of the Site utilises an existing forestry road that leads south from Boath Road, through the eastern edge of a mature stand of commercial forestry plantation up the lower slope of Cnoc Alasdair. The road appeared to have been cut down below ground level, possibly to get below a layer of peat, and the embankments either side were likely upcast material from this. While no upstanding archaeological remains were encountered on-site during the survey, considering the close proximity of known prehistoric settlement and agricultural remains on the south and east slopes of Cnoc Alasdair, and the natural vantage point the crest and peak of the hill provide, it was considered likely that the hill may have at least been used as a vantage point from which to monitor the surrounding landscape. In order to identify and mitigate any impact upon hitherto unknown buried archaeological remains on site, it was considered that an archaeological programme of works may be required during construction of the proposed development, possibly taking the form of an archaeological watching brief. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Acharn Wood
Grid reference Centred NH 5927 7333 (130m by 556m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH57SE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish ALNESS

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Oct 11 2023 1:28PM

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