EHG6103 - Excavation - Camore Wood, Dornoch



AOC Archaeology Group


July 2023


Archaeological recording and remedial works were carried out by AOC Archaeology Group in 2023 at Camore Wood, Dornoch. The archaeological work was required due to recent forestry operations over the winter months of 2022-23 which resulted in damage to five scheduled areas. Prior to any invasive work, walkover survey of the full scheduled settlement was undertaken, alongside measured survey and terrain modelling of three damaged hut circles (Sites 1-3), to assess the current condition and any damage to the scheduled monument (see EHG6102). After completion of the surveys, a programme of excavation was undertaken to assess and record the impact of damage to deposits/features in the interior, exterior, and on the banks of hut circle Sites 1-3. This comprised a total of six trenches (four trenches were excavated on Site 1 and one single trench each on Site 2 and Site 3) excavated through both damaged and undamaged areas, which uncovered in-situ occupation deposits, two hearths, and nine pit/posthole features. Artefacts recovered comprised prehistoric pottery, a flint barbed and tanged arrowhead, a possible unfinished spindle whorl or pendant, a possible saddle quern, possible worked lithics and coarse stone tools. A programme of post-excavation analysis was recommended, as well as remediation comprising reprofiling and reforming the earthworks. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Camore Wood, Dornoch
Grid reference Centred NH 7729 8937 (467m by 317m) (4 map features)
Map sheet NH78NE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish DORNOCH

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Oct 25 2023 5:08PM

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