EHG6122 - Watching brief - geotechnical test pitting, proposed substation, Spittal



AOC Archaeology Group


Aug 2023


An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group in 2023 in order to address the potential archaeological impact of the proposed development of a new substation and HVDC converter site, near Spittal, Caithness. The site was located to the north of the hamlet of Spittal immediately east of the A9, with the hamlet of Achalone located immediately west of the proposed site. A total of 70 trial pits and 27 borehole locations were monitored. In addition, 20 test pits were excavated and monitored adjacent to the main trial pits to test bedrock stability, soil thermal conductivity, and percolation. Two archaeological features were identified within Trial Pits 38 and 56 and comprised linear features of unknown date and function. Five upstanding structures were identified during the walkover of the development area in addition to those known in the historic record, including two buildings, a stone cairn, and a sheepfold. All features were recorded and left in-situ and remained un-excavated. Trial Pit locations were moved to avoid disturbing all features identified. Due to the presence of archaeological features, it was recommended that development avoid impacting upon the upstanding structures and that future grounding-breaking works within the development area be subject to archaeological monitoring. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Spittal
Grid reference Centred ND 1594 5685 (904m by 1138m) (3 map features)
Map sheet ND15NE
Civil Parish HALKIRK
Geographical Area CAITHNESS

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Nov 10 2023 2:27PM

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