EHG6131 - Watching brief - Inverness Castle (Phase 2)
AOC Archaeology Group
May-Aug 2022-Dec 2023
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A second phase of archaeological works was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group in 2022-23 at Inverness Castle, in respect of ground-breaking works associated with infrastructure works ahead of redevelopment of the site. A series of medieval castles and later forts preceded the current buildings that today form Inverness Castle. Originally built in the mid-19th century as a prison and County buildings, the imposing red sandstone occupies a prominent position overlooking the city of Inverness.
A programme of archaeological works comprising an archaeological evaluation and watching brief was required as part of the main programme of construction of a new café, installation of services and landscaping around the site. A comprehensive desk-based assessment and photographic survey (see EHG5705 and EHG5706) a previous phase of evaluation (see EHG5740) and an initial phase of watching brief (see EHG5739) had been previously carried out in advance of the refurbishment works.
The archaeological works comprised a watching brief on drainage works around the perimeter of the site. C19th yard buildings, identified in the previous phase of works, were further explored. Along with evidence of the former guard lodge associated with the C19th prison. Further substantial walls interpreted as the C18th Fort George were identified across the site. Potential medieval deposits were also noted along the southwestern and western sides of the site producing medieval ceramics. In particular, on the western side, at the base of deep infill layers, remains of possible walling and a large posthole were uncovered at the edge of the natural hillside. This was interpreted as part of an early phases of a defensive boundary around the medieval fortification.
A moderate assemblage of C19th or later artefact material comprising ceramics, glass, ferrous and other metal objects, slate, and other building material, was recovered alongside a small assemblage of potential medieval/late medieval material. No further excavations would be required as part of the development. A programme of post-excavation work was recommended. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Inverness |
Grid reference | Centred NH 6665 4505 (64m by 156m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NH64NE |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
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Record last edited
Mar 15 2024 10:03AM