EHG6137 - Trial trenching - new bonded warehousing, Invergordon
AOC Archaeology Group
Oct 2023
An trial trenching evaluation was carried out by AOC Archaeology Group in 2023 in advance of the development of an area of fields adjacent to Academy Road, Invergordon, for new bonded warehousing. The evaluation was required due to the potential for undisturbed archaeological features and/or deposits within the development area.
An archaeological trial trenching evaluation of 10% of Phases 1A, 1B, and 1C of the development site was proposed to evaluate the archaeological potential. The development area for Phase 1 covered c. 109,809 m². The southeastern extension of Phase 1b had been extensively developed and had large areas of hard standings as well as up-standing buildings present, therefore archaeological trenching was not conducted across this area. Therefore, an area of c. 104,025 m² was available for evaluation. A total of 130 trenches covering 8,050m² (c. 8% of the development area) were excavated. This was less than the 10% proposed because of deep, made-ground deposits encountered in the eastern field and flooding in the northwestern field.
The eastern field of the development area contained deep, made-ground deposits. After consultation with the Highland Council Historic Environment Team, a new methodology was adopted for this area. Trial pits (Trenches 1-3, 35-78), measuring c.8m long, were excavated at each end of the proposed trench location. Trial pits were excavated to a suitable depth to assess the ground conditions, but ceased if the base became waterlogged or the sides became unstable.
The location and length of several of the proposed trenches in the northwestern field were changed due to flooding. Trenches 32 and 33 were shortened by c. 5m, Trench 34 was moved, and a 25m trench was abandoned, due to flooding at the northern end of this field. A proposed 25m trench in the southwestern field was not excavated because it was located across deep deposits close to the road. Trenches were dug using a wheeled mechanical excavator fitted with a 1.8m wide ditching bucket and were monitored at all times by an archaeologist in order to establish the presence or absence of archaeological remains.
One hundred and thirty trenches/trial pits were excavated across the development area in total. Six pits and three linear features were identified. Two of these features contained 19th/20th century pottery. Given the presence of archaeological features within the development area, a targeted watching brief was recommended during initial site clearance. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Academy Road, Invergordon |
Grid reference | Centred NH 7087 7011 (370m by 438m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NH77SW |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Civil Parish | ROSSKEEN |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
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Record last edited
Dec 5 2023 3:19PM