EHG6150 - Trial trenching - proposed quarry extension, Park Quarry, Nairn



Rathmell Archaeology Ltd


Oct 2023


An archaeological trial trenching evaluation was undertaken by Rathmell Archaeology in 2023 in advance of a proposed extension to the Park Quarrry near Nairn. Fieldwork consisted of the excavation of a series of intrusive trenches to expose an 8% sample of the available area to be archaeologically examined. The trenching within Phases 1 and 2 were carried out during these works. In all, 61 evaluation trenches were excavated using a 360° tracked excavator with a smooth 2m ditching bucket. Areas A and B comprised large arable fields, and Area C consisted of a smaller area of rough ground. The trench layout in the area to the immediate south of the existing quarry required reworking as the edge of the existing quarry works extended further to the southeast than expected, reducing the available area. As such, the proposed 10 trenches in this portion were reduced to seven (Trenches 82-88) and the locations of some of the trenches were altered. In addition to this, the alignments of Trenches 69 and 70 were adjusted to avoid a modern clearance cairn, and the southeast end of Trench 25 was shifted further northeast due to the location of an overhead power line. This power line was located further to the east of its marked location having been repositioned due to quarry works. Areas A and B had been heavily ploughed in modern times, which was reflected in the frequent plough scars and stone throws found throughout the area. A selection of modern white ceramics and plastic were identified within the topsoil. The presence of tile and rubble drains reflected the common practice of improving drainage across farms during the modern period, and it was not surprising given the predominantly clayey subsoil within the assessment area. In Area C two areas of modern dumped material were located. The area consisted of rough ground, and a large amount of material had been dumped there in recent times. No evidence of disturbance by modern agriculture was seen in this area. No significant archaeological features or artefacts were identified in the course of these works. The only archaeological features recorded during the evaluation appeared to relate to use of the land throughout the C20th and C21st. It was recommended that no additional archaeological work should be required. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Park Quarry, Nairn
Grid reference Centred NH 9018 5307 (802m by 414m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH95SW
Civil Parish AULDEARN
Geographical Area NAIRN

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Record last edited

Dec 14 2023 4:14PM

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