EHG6157 - Trial trenching - proposed fish farm hatchery, Ardessie, Dundonnell



West Coast Archaeological Services


Dec 2023


Following an archaeological desk-based assessment and walkover survey (see EHG6031) a limited trial trenching evaluation was undertaken by West Coast Archaeological Sevices in 2023 in advance of a proposed new broodstock fish hatchery and a woodland screening creation scheme focused at Ardessie, Dundonnell, in Ross & Cromarty. The evaluation was carried out on a linear clearance cairn (Site 10) with a potential underlying structure. The evaluation of the cairn was conducted because the site would be removed as a part of the groundworks for the new fish hatchery complex. Three trenches were excavated across the feature. These revealed that the cairn had been formed on a low-lying natural ridge of ground, falling away to the northeast and southwest. What had been interpreted as a possible underlying stone structure at the southeast of the cairn during the walkover survey, was in fact a stone and boulder revetting wall at the southeast end of the cairn. Additional boulders were identified during the excavations around the base of the cairn, especially on the southwest side and it is possible that these also helped to retain the main body of the cairn when originally constructed. No features or archaeological deposits were identified under the cairn. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Ardessie, Dundonnell
Grid reference Centred NH 0523 8973 (16m by 14m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH08NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish LOCHBROOM

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Jan 22 2024 4:44PM

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