EHG6160 - DBA and site visit - proposed battery storage area, Drumore Farm, Evanton



Pegasus Group


May 2022`

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A desk-based assessment and site visit were conducted by Pegasus Group in 2022 in advance of proposals for a battery storage site at Drumore Farm near Evanton. With regards to below ground archaeology, there was considered to be moderate potential for prehistoric and Neolithic and/or Bronze Age remains. However, there was considered to be low potential for significant archaeological remains from other periods. There was no current evidence to suggest that archaeological remains that would represent a constraint to development are present within the site. A site visit was made on 27th May 2022 to assess whether the settings of designated heritage assets in the vicinity were likely to represent a constraint to the development of the site. Due to the distance between these and the assets, and intervening modern elements, it was considered that the setting of these assets should not represent a major constraint to development within the site. It was however recommended that some planting be implemented along the eastern extent of the proposals, so as to soften views in that direction. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Drumore Farm, Evanton
Grid reference Centred NH 5849 6609 (119m by 129m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH56NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish KILTEARN

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Record last edited

Jan 23 2024 11:35AM

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