EHG6165 - DBA and walkover survey - proposed OHL, Coire Glas



CFA Archaeology Ltd


Feb 2023


A desk-based assessment and walkover survey were carried out by CFA Archaeology in 2023 to assess the effects on archaeology and cultural heritage interests associated with the construction and operation of a proposed 400kV over-head line (OHL) in Coire Glas. Field survey was not carried out within areas of commercial forestry, except to record the baseline condition of heritage assets identified through the desk-based assessment. Six non-designated heritage assets were identified within the proposed development area. The majority of these were associated with post-medieval settlement and agricultural activities, although a quern stone findspot relating to prehistoric occupation had been recorded to the south of Auchterawe. There was potential for construction works within the proposed development area to result in direct effects on three heritage assets. In addition, three additional elements of these assets lay within the micrositing allowance and could be affected by micrositing of the towers or access track routes. In the absence of mitigation, one of these impacts (on a group of clearance cairns (5b)) was assessed as being potentially of moderate significance (significant in EIA terms). There was also a recognised potential for construction works to affect hitherto unknown, buried archaeological remains. Although the likelihood of such impacts was judged to be low, the effects on any of archaeological importance could be of moderate significance (significant in EIA terms). The other impacts were assessed as being not significant. Mitigation measures were set out that would avoid, reduce or offset the predicted effects, and residual construction effects of no more than minor significance (not significant in EIA terms) are predicted. The assessment resulted in the identification of a moderate significant effect (significant in EIA terms) on the setting of one Scheduled Monument (Torr Dhuin Fort (SM 794)), although it was considered that effect would not significantly adversely affect the integrity of its setting. With the exception of the moderate significance residual effect on the setting of Torr Dhuin fort (SM 794), the residual cumulative effects of the Proposed Development, in combination with other cumulative developments in the vicinity, were considered to be not significant. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Coire Glas
Grid reference Centred NH 3103 0422 (9635m by 7896m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH30SW
Geographical Area INVERNESS

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Jan 26 2024 2:38PM

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