EHG6184 - Walkover survey - new underground cabling, Red John Project, Knocknagael
AOC Archaeology Group
Dec 2022
An archaeological walkover survey was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group in 2022 along a proposed Underground Cable (UGC) route between Knocknagael Substation and Loch Ashie, near Inverness. The walkover survey was conducted over accessible land along the UGC route as specified in a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI).
The survey was conducted along the UGC route on 12th December 2022 in snowy conditions. Some parts of the survey area were inaccessible due to gorse or tree cover and visibility was mixed due to snow cover. Sixteen assets were recorded during the survey and combined with the results from two previous walkover surveys conducted in the area in 2015 (see EHG4800) and 2020 (see EHG5722). The assets identified were primarily the remains of prehistoric settlement and field systems, including hut circles, cairns, and turf banks. Post-medieval remains were also encountered in the form of a farmstead and two drystone dykes.
It was considered that there was potential for some assets to be directly impacted by the proposed development and mitigation measures were recommended. Micrositing of the UGC route was recommended around five assets that lie within 10m of the current route. Demarcation and buffer zones were recommended for the significant prehistoric assets within the 50m survey corridor, with smaller buffer zones also recommended for the post-medieval assets, dykes, and clearance cairns. Archaeological monitoring of groundworks was also recommended in four areas where there would be higher potential for prehistoric remains to be encountered. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Knocknagael, Loch Ashie |
Grid reference | Centred NH 6371 3689 (3448m by 4637m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NH63NW |
Civil Parish | DORES |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
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Record last edited
May 24 2024 10:26AM