EHG6193 - Walkover survey - proposed transmitter mast, The Ord, Lairg



Scottish Development Department (Ancient Monuments)


March 1977-1978

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A topographic survey was undertaken by M.J. Yates in 1977-8 prior to the proposed construction of a new BBC transmitter near the summit of the Ord, Lairg, Sutherland. The wealth of archaeological features on the Ord had long been recognised and, even though the transmitter site had been selected so as to avoid the more obvious monuments, there were genuine concerns that important remains might be destroyed. A small excavation on the proposed site of the transmitter was also carried out (see EHG6192). Improved access for construction of the transmitter and subsequent maintenance was also planned and the opportunity was, therefore, taken to survey the area from the transmitter site to the public highway, focusing on the existing trackway. The following year the BBC provided further funds which allowed the survey area to be extended to the south. An area of 7ha was surveyed, concentrating on small cairns, lynchets, stony banks and walls which defined areas of early agricultural use. The survey was undertaken using taped offsets from a series of baselines established using tape measure and optical square. The disadvantages of this methodology are that the margin of error is greater, cumulative errors can develop and there is difficulty in compensating for the slope. In the event it was decided to record the features with reference to the surface slope of the hillside and not to attempt to produce a levelled plan. A scale of 1:200 was used for the original survey drawings. This allowed detailed recording of individual features and it was also possible to represent many topographical characteristics. However, given the reduction needed to present a clear plan for publication, most topographical details were omitted and archaeological features were simplified for the published plans. Within an area of about 7ha, human activity from the Neolithic to the recent past was represented by a range of well defined monument types. Amongst these monuments was an extensive field system comprising both broad and narrow cultivation ridges, clearance cairns, lynchets, stone walls, cleared areas and stony areas. It was considered asking too much of a small scale project to resolve the complex relationships between these features, but it was clear that there was no consistent pattern of agricultural use. <1> <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Location The Ord, Lairg
Grid reference Centred NC 5749 0568 (407m by 323m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NC50NE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish LAIRG

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Apr 15 2024 3:43PM

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