EHG6203 - Walkover survey - proposed Golticlay wind farm





May 2024


A walkover survey was carried out by AECOM in 2024 of an area at Golticlay in advance of proposals for the development of a wind farm and to inform an Environmental Statement for a proposed varied development from that already in receipt of consent (an increase in turbine tip height from 130 m for the Consented Development to up to 200 m for the Proposed Varied Development, and the changes to the turbine layout and number. The area had previously been subject to an archaeological walkover survey in 2016 (see EHG4964). As some areas of the Site had been subject to felling of commercial forestry since the 2016 Environmental Statement, a revised walkover survey was undertaken. This did not reveal any new assets, but did note extensive ground disturbance resulting from the commercial forestry operations. An updated setting assessment was also undertaken due to the potential for new impacts on the setting of heritage assets as a result of the increase in turbine height. The assessment indicated that the Proposed Varied Development would result in no new significant impacts, although limited views of two turbines (Turbines 1 and 5) would be possible from the Achkinloch cairn and stone setting (SM419 & SM420), the significance of effect on these assets was assessed as Minor adverse which is considered ‘not significant’ in impact assessment terms. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Land 2040m NE of Bulreanrob, Lybster, Golticlay
Grid reference Centred ND 2221 4053 (4063m by 2552m) (2 map features)
Map sheet ND24SW
Civil Parish LATHERON
Geographical Area CAITHNESS

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Apr 22 2024 2:44PM

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