EHG6250 - Watching brief - RCI Mountrich-Resolis DMA Project, Culbo, Black Isle



West Coast Archaeological Services


May-June 2024

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An archaeological watching brief was carried out by West Coast Archaeological Services in 2024 during the cutting of a new water main trench falling under the RCI Culbo DMA Project, focused on Kinbeachie Farm, Culbo, Black Isle. The watching brief was requested by the Highland Council’s Historic Environment Team due to the presence of known archaeological sites in the vicinity and the potential for identification of further surviving archaeological finds, features and deposits. These included a significant scatter of previously recorded prehistoric sites focused on Kinbeachie Farm, on an area of ground located to the NW of the B9169, including a possible Neolithic structure and pits, several lithic scatters including some diagnostic Neolithic tools such as scrapers, and scatters of Neolithic style pottery. Other finds in this area disturbed by ploughing included a cairn and a stone cist. The archaeological watching brief recovered three small abraded prehistoric lithics (debitage) small, abraded sherds post-medieval ceramics, glass and roofing slate, and small fragments of coal and some modern plastics. No archaeological features were found. The water main trench produced evidence for deep ploughing, which may have truncated and removed any such features. <1>

Sources/Archives (2)



Location Culbo, Black Isle
Grid reference Centred NH 6264 6226 (688m by 440m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH66SW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish RESOLIS

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Record last edited

Aug 29 2024 4:03PM

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