EHG6263 - Watching brief - GI works, proposed new bridge, Naver Bridge, Bettyhill



AOC Archaeology Group


Oct-Dec 2021


An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group in 2022 in relation to ground investigation (GI) works for a bridge replacement on the A836 over the River Naver, Sutherland. The archaeological watching brief monitored the excavation of eight trial pits and excavations relating to benching for access to various GI positions. The eight trial pits TP101-TP103, TP105-TP09, generally measuring 3m x 1m, were excavated under archaeological supervision. Topsoil was generally dark brown sandy silt but was peaty in TP01 and clayey in TP03. Its depth varied from 0.10m to 1.00m. TP04, TP05 and TP09 contained made ground. The area in which TP07 was located appeared to have been quarried and infilled with 3.30m of redeposited topsoil. The underlying natural across the site generally comprised orange sands and gravels. No significant archaeological features or deposits were encountered within any of the trial pits. No significant sub-surface archaeological features or artefacts were identified. The watching brief was also recommended on vegetation clearance and benching required to access BH101-107, BH113, BH115, TP101-103, TP105-TP106 (Plate 7), as well as reinstatement of the access track on completion of the GI works to ensure Site 1 (identified during the pre-works screening walkover survey - see EHG6262) was not inadvertently impacted. There was no adverse impact to Site 1 during the works. Neither the boreholes nor the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests required an archaeological watching brief. Mitigation measures were recommended in order to limit the impact of the future development upon the possible still site. An archaeological watching brief was also recommended for later phases of the project. 1

Sources/Archives (1)



Location Naver Bridge, Bettyhill
Grid reference Centred NC 7097 6018 (191m by 265m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NC76SW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish FARR

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Nov 7 2024 1:42PM

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