EHG6271 - DBA and site visits - proposed Acheilidh Wind Farm
Oct 2023
A desk-based assessment and a series of site visits were undertaken by WSP in 2023 in advance of the proposed Acheilidh Wind Farm near Lairg in order to inform an Environmental Impact Assessment. Previously identified designated heritage assets were visited to assess the nature of their respective settings, with the site visited to characterise present ground conditions, land-use, and likely impact on archaeological survival. During the walkover survey, every effort was made to visit locations where detailed setting assessment was requested by consultees. However, not all locations were visited, and where this was the case, other methods were used, such as topographic information, ZTV, aerial photography, and google earth mapping, to support the assessment and mitigate this limitation.
A study area of 500m ("the Study Area”) from the boundary of the Site in relation to potential receptors of effects through disturbance was established in consultation with HES and Highland Council. This Study Area was defined to allow relevant data to be collected in order to allow an assessment of the potential presence of archaeological remains within the site.
The potential for hitherto unrecorded archaeological remains within the site of prehistoric or post-medieval date was assessed as high,
The presence of heritage assets within the Site (primarily prehistoric hut circles and post-medieval farmstead remnants) identified in the study indicated a high potential for survival of similar archaeological remains within the development site. In addition, proposed access works had the potential to disturb four non-designated, recorded heritage assets. Effects on these heritage assets and potential archaeological remains during the construction phase could be effectively mitigated by an agreed programme of archaeological works. The programme methodology would be set out in an archaeological /project design and would incorporate walkover survey, marking of surviving features for avoidance and an archaeological watching brief. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | An Stoc-bheinn |
Grid reference | Centred NC 6338 0233 (11124m by 7063m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NC60SW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Nov 12 2024 4:35PM