EHG6306 - Walkover survey - proposed Shinness Wind Farm, Lairg



Highland Archaeology Services Ltd


Feb 2022


An archaeological walkover survey was undertaken by Highland Archaeology Services in 2022 in order to inform planning and design and an Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed windfarm site located to the north-east of Loch Shin at Shinness, Lairg. The rapid walkover survey was undertaken with the aim of identifying and recording visible archaeological remains in the vicinity of the proposed development. The whole of the proposed development area was searched during the survey with the exception of a small planted woodland in the south west extension of the site as this was found to have been forestry ploughed, clear felled and pit planted. The area was thus very difficult to traverse and almost impossible to spot features in. Within this area only previously recorded features were visited and recorded. The areas around this planted zone including the ride and open area to the north west (planned as access) were surveyed. Forty five features were identified during the survey including ten hut circles, eleven banks/walls, at least ten other structures as well as three sheepfolds, three enclosures and a possible crannog. The findings were largely in line with the findings of the initial desk-based assessment, with only 13 out of the 45 being previously unrecorded or new features. All the features noted were thought to be prehistoric, post-medieval or modern. Most of the features were concentrated in clusters around the outside of the proposed develoment area, although a few were located closer to the centre. Recommendations were made to avoid all features as well as to mark some off during nearby works. <1> The assessment established the potential for adverse construction phase effects of Moderate or Major Significance. Mitigation methods were therefore proposed which would avoid or reduce these impacts.<2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Location Shinness, Lairg
Grid reference Centred NC 5239 1857 (5922m by 5816m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NC51NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish LAIRG

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Nov 25 2024 10:23AM

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