EHG691 - DBA and walkover survey - NOSWA Fort William West Scheme S053



Headland Archaeology Ltd


Oct 2001

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A desk-based assessment and walkover survey were undertaken by Headland Archaeology in 2001 in advance of trial pitting along the route of a proposed NOSWA pipeline west of Fort William, Highland. The proposed work involved the laying of new trunk mains at several locations on the north and south shores of Loch Eil and the north-western shore of Loch Linnhe. A search was made of records held by the National Monuments Record of Scotland, National Map Library of Scotland and Highland Council Sites and Monuments Record in advance of a walkover survey of the route of the proposed pipeline. The walkover inspected a 12 m wide corridor where the route crossed farmland. Where the route ran alongside a road, 5 m on each side was inspected. A total of thirty two sites were identified in or close to the corridor of the proposed pipeline. Most of these related to 19th Century crofting townships and none were considered to be affected by the proposed test-pitting or pipe laying operations. However, it was recommended that an archaeological watching brief be maintained during the excavation of two sections of the pipe trench where it will cross open farmland. <1>

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Location Fort William
Grid reference Centred NN 0395 7747 (16549m by 3254m)
Map sheet NN07NW
Geographical Area LOCHABER

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Record last edited

May 1 2024 9:56AM

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