MHG11079 - Cist w Finds, Dalmor


No summary available.

Type and Period (2)

  • CAIRN (Bronze Age - 2400 BC? to 551 BC?)
  • CIST (Bronze Age - 2400 BC? to 551 BC?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

NC75NW 15 7177 5509.

('A' NC 7177 5509 Cairns (NR) 'B': NC 7175 5510)
OS 6"map, (1964)

Two heavily-robbed cairns with short cists.
'A' is 13m in diameter and 1m high with a central cists complete with coverstone, and about 3m to the north, a cavity which suggests the former existence of a second cist. In February 1938 the cairn was being used as a quarry for road metal, and in subsequent sifting of the material which had been thrown out, most of a jet necklace and jet button were recovered, and are now in NMAS. (Acc No. FN 176).
'B' has measured 13.4.m in diameter but its southern segment has been entirely destroyed. A single slab on edge near the centre denotes the position of a probable cist.
RCAHMS 1911, visited 1909; R B K Stevenson 1939; Visited by OS (J L D) 3 May 1960.

The cairns are as described by the previous authorities except that the diameter of cairn 'B' appears to be 11m.
Revised at 1/10,000. Visited by OS (J B) 5 December 1978.

Sources/Archives (7)



Grid reference Centred NC 7175 5509 (87m by 61m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NC75NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish FARR

Finds (2)

  • NECKLACE (Bronze Age - 2400 BC? to 551 BC?)
  • BUTTON (Bronze Age - 2400 BC? to 551 BC?)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Investigations/Events (0)

External Links (1)

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