MHG13021 - Torran Garbha


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Type and Period (1)

  • SHIELING HUT (Post Medieval - 1560 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

NC22SE 3 2725 2090.

(NC 272 208) Old Shielings (NAT)
OS 6"map, (1963)

Centred NC 2725 2090. Lying between two streams are the remains of six shielings. They consist of either a course of stones or a stone and turf bank and vary in shape and size from a circle, 2.0m in diameter, to an oval shape, 5.0m by 3.0m. The average height of the bank is 0.3m. Visited by OS (E G C) 24 April 1961.

No change to the previous field report.
Revised at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (J M) 30 July 1980.

NC 26 20 (centre) A rapid archaeological assessment was undertaken over c 10km2 of the Inchnadamph National Nature Reserve. Features such as the ?Bone Caves? And the shielings had been recorded previously. This survey recorded evidence of post-medieval settlement and agricultural use in addition to that marked on the OS map and the remains of a prehistoric settlement and possible burial cairn:
NC 2710 2088 Shielings.
A copy of the report has been lodged with the NMRS.
Sponsor: SNH.
J Harden 1996 <1>

Visited by the Assynt's Hidden Lives project in December 2009. A cluster of six shieling hut footings, located in a fairly sheltered valley between two streams. The footpath cuts through the cluster. Five of the shielings are roughly circular in shape and average between 2m and 3m in diameter. The position of the entrances are not clear due to ruinous condition. The sixth shieling is sub-oval in shape and 4m by 3m in size, with no obvious entrance. None of the
shielings survive to more than c.0.4m in height, and generally only a single course of drystone is visible. Some are so overgrown by turf they are barely visible. <2>

Sources/Archives (3)



Grid reference Centred NC 2721 2088 (182m by 83m) Approximate extent
Map sheet NC22SE
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish ASSYNT

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