MHG24230 - Township and enclosures - Glenmarksie


Township and enclosures at Glenmarksie

Type and Period (2)

  • TOWNSHIP (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • ENCLOSURE (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

NH35NE 4 centred on 3800 5790

What may be a township comprising two roofed buildings, two unroofed buildings, three enclosures and a field-system is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Ross-shire 1881, sheet lxxxvi). Two roofed buildings, one unroofed buildings, six enclosures, two of which are sub-divided and a field-system are shown on the current edition of the 1:10000 map (1971).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 4 March 1996.

This township incorperating a series of farmsteads and enclosures were recorded by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project (Nmrs No NH35NE 0004). Centred on NH 38007 57864 and 800m west of Loch Luichart Dam this site is situated on a gentle south facing grassy slope overlooking the lower reaches of Gleann Marcasaidh. It comprises a large linear area on a WNW-ESE axis some 800m x 150m of grassy fields. The main roofed building/estate lodge is inhabited and there is a steading to the rear. At the site of the main building there is also a concrete platform and a small enclosure. The main enclosure, 76, has been taken as the whole enclosed area to the south of the substantial wall, 75, although it has been divided into a couple of enclosures at the east end, each possibly with its own associated building. At the W end there is a forested plantation or shelter belt. The complex remains related to sheep management to the west are almost certainly related.

075 Wall - NH 38535 57758 (SE end) to NH 37625 57975 (NW end) Stretches for nearly 1 kilometre on NNW-SSE alignment, this wall is more or less intact and 1.2m high. In many places it is constructed of large irregular stones carefully balanced so as to form holes or gaps in the wall. There are several gateways and at least one sheep creep at the west end. The wall appears to divide the lands of Glenmarksie from those of Soulmarksie.

076 Wall/Enclosure - NH 38112 57800 On a WNW-ESE alignment this large enclosure is 600m x 140m. It is bounded to the N by wall 75 and to the S by an apparently older wall, 76, which is more or less continuous for its whole length. In many places this wall is very substantial and takes the form of a stone retaining wall 1- 1.5m height. There are many coppiced trees along its length. The east part is divided into 2 separate enclosures 78 and 79, each appearing to have an associated building.

081 Lodge, Steading, and Platform - NH 38010 57876 A roofed building in good order with a steading to the north and a large concrete platform to the NE. The platform is built up to the east and is on the site of the old farmstead, marked on the FES.

082 Enclosure - NH 38007 57864 This small enclosure lies a few metres to the south of Lodge 81 and is on a NE-SW axis, it has internal dimensions of 11.4m x 8.7m. The SW wall is substantial 0.6m high and 2m thick with some clearance composition. The SE wall is similar but truncated. The enclosure is recessed into the slope at the NW side and slopes towards the east.

080 Track - To the south of the large enclosure, 76, an old track climbs the hill in a north-westerly direction from a bend in the modern road. It passes through a gap in the wall, 76, and continues ascending at an easy angle. It may have been an early access route to the farmstead.

To the west of the Loch Luichart Dam on a south facing grassy slope between the farmstead of Soulmarksie and lodge at Glenmarksie, at an altitude of 140m, the remains of this discrete group of structures comprising 5 buildings and a small enclosure are on a spur. The buildings are on the north/upper side of the prominent stone wall and the enclosure is on the south/lower side.

242 Building - NH 38250 57865 This building on a NNW-SSE axis has internal measurements of 5.8m x 2.7m. It is recessed into the slope at its N end and platformed out at its S end. The walls which are barely discernable have some stone content.

243 Building - NH 38263 57857 This building on an E-W axis measures 5m x 2.5m is situated a few meters to the south of 242. The low turf walls are barely discernable. The structure is recessed into the slope on its N side and plat formed out on it S side. To the NW there is a small pit which may be a kiln. It is 1.5m x 1m x 0.4m deep, open to the west and has some stones in its walls.

244 Enclosure - NH 38254 57844 On an E-W axis this enclosure has internal dimensions of 15m x 10m. It is recessed into the slope at its north side and there is a substantial earth bank 2m thick on its south side.

245 Building - NH 38245 57874 A few metres to the N of building 242 and immediately adjacent to the footpath. The shape of this building is difficult to determine it is possibly on a N-S axis and c5m x 2m. It is recessed into the slope at its N end.

246 Building - NH 38250 57890 On the N side of the footpath this building appears more as a platform measuring roughly 5m x 5m.

239 Building - NH 38237 57861Close to and on the N side of the stone wall the remains of this building on an E-W axis measure 9m x 3.5m. The low turf walls are barely discernable and the building appears more as a platform recessed into the slope at the N side and built out at the S side.

A further series of buildings and enclosures (045 and 078) NH 38318 57793 (Glen Marksie) are set on a S facing slope overlooking the Allt a’ Ghlinne at an altitude of 150m. Much of the area is a field enclosure which is infested with bracken. The dry stone wall, 75, bounds the area to the northeast and appears to divides Glenmarksie from Soulmarksie. The building is located within the east part of the large enclosure 76.

045 Building - NH 38358 57813 A building in a ruined condition under a thick cover of bracken is on a N-S axis with overall measurements 16.1m x (max) 5.80m. The ends of the building are rounded with tumbled stone filling them. Internally the building measures 8.80m x 3.00m. There is a possible internal division projecting from the SW wall. No clear entrance was found, a possible entrance was suggested by a dip in the masonry at the S end of the NE wall. The walls were visible for 1-2 courses with a maximum height of 0.5m.

078 Enclosure - NH 38318 57793 A roughly triangular enclosure, with sides of 200m x 180m x 130m. This enclosure is bounded to the NE by the substantial wall, 75, to the SE by the older wall, 76 and to the west by a ruined stone wall which follows the course of a small stream. Building, 45, is situated in the east part of the enclosure and there are several clearance cairns. Building and enclosures (046, 077, 079) NH 38179 57813. A dry stone wall, 75, bounds the area to the northeast dividing Glenmarksie from Soulmarksie.

046 Building - NH 38179 57863 To the south of the substantial dry stone wall, 75, and in the north part of enclosure 79 are the wasted remains of a rectangular building on an E-W axis. It is truncated at its west end and may have been robbed of its stone for the nearby wall. The remains of the building measure 6.8m x 5.1m overall, but only a length of 3.9m of the N wall remains. S wall has a spread of 2.3m and height of 0.6m at one point.

079 Enclosure - NH 38179 57813 A sub square enclosure, roughly 120m x 120m, is bounded on its NE by the stone wall, 75, on the south by the older wall 76, on the east by a wall which follows a small stream and which forms the W wall of enclosure 78. At the west side there is the track which serves Glenmarksie itself.

077 Enclosure - NH 38107 57693 An enclosure abutting enclosure 76 on its S side. Substantial turf and stone wall at west side is truncated by modern track. To the SE the wall takes a contouring course SW-NE for 50m. It is generally 0,6m high and 0.5m thick.

800m west of Loch Luichart Dam and centred on NH 38007 57864, at least 6 enclosures and a variety of walls and earth banks occupy a discrete area at the west end of the farm of Glenmarksie in the lower reaches of Gleann Marcassaidh itself. They are on a gentle south facing grassy slope at an altitude of 150m. A recent plantation of conifers has almost certainly been planted as a shelter belt and covers many of the enclosures. The drystone wall, 75, “marches” through the area and some of the enclosures are within the enclosure/wall 76.

083 Sheepfold - NH 37881 57941 A complex modern sheepfold on a NNE-SSW axis measures 50m x 13m - see plan. The super-structure is of timber fences and corrugated iron. There is a dip in the NE corner.

084 Enclosure - NH 37840 57934 This enclosure on an E-W axis has internal dimensions of 21.8m x 12.4m. It is raised at the south side to form a level area. The N and E walls are very substantial reaching 1.3m height and in places are 3m thick - they almost certainly contain clearance material. S and W wall less substantial but the S wall reaches 1m on the outside. There has been recent excavation creating a gap or quarry on this side of 8m width. There is an entrance at the NE corner of the enclosure and also ?in the W wall c.8m. A sinuous wall to the west may be associated. It is 30m in length, 0.4m high and has a spread of 1.5m.

249 Structure/Possible Building - NH 37828 57948 A sub-square structure, with overall measurement 4.8m x 4.5m. The S and W earth walls are more obvious and have a spread of 1.5m. Dished centre 0,3m deep.

085 Wall/Consumption dyke - Centred on NH 37828 57907 On an axis N-S this wall is 40m long generally 0.6m high and has a spread of 2m.

086 Enclosure - NH 37657 57993 Sub-circular enclosure of c.12.3m diameter this enclosure is defined by a tumbled stone wall of 0.2m height and 1-1.5m spread. It is platformed at the S side where there is a bank 1m high.

087 Enclosure/ Possible Building - NH 37670 57994 A complex irregular structure with considerable tumbled material such that it was
very difficult to determine the form to it. It lay on a NW-SE axis and had internal dimensions of 16m x 11.2m. The S side is raised to form a platform and the wall is 1m high here with a thickness of 2m . The central and north part of the structure were more complex - see plan. There is a detached curving section of wall to the east which is 6.6m long x 0.7m high x 1m thick.

088 Enclosure - NH 37680 58034 A trapezoidal shaped enclosure on a steep slope roughly 16m square. 3 sides only are extant, the south wall is missing. Walls are very tumbled and have a spread of 2m.

038 Enclosure - NH 37670 58028 A rectangular enclosure on an E-W axis measuring 10,5m x 8.2m, defined by a degraded stone setting. Recessed into the slope at the N side and built out at the S.

039 Enclosure - NH 37700 58014 A rectangular enclosure on an E-W axis measuring 15m x 9.3m internally and defined by tumbled stone walls with a 2m spread. The north side is recessed into the slope where there is a bank of 1.5m height and the S side is built out to make a more level area. There is an entrance in the SE corner and in the W side. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred NH 3806 5784 (951m by 359m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN

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