MHG29671 - Cup and ring marked stone - Creag Liath


A cup and ring marked stone at Creag Liath.

Type and Period (1)

  • CUP AND RING MARKED STONE (Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC? to 551 BC?)

Protected Status

Full Description

Cup-marked Boulder found in a field at Creag Liath in 1999.
J Aitken : 12/04/01.

The boulder was Scheduled by Historic Scotland in 2007.

Scheduled as 'Braeval Farm, cupmarks 260m NNW of... a boulder bearing cupmarks... The visible part of the boulder protruding through the turf measures 3.5m from E to W by 2.7m transversely and is 0.5m high. The cupmarks are predominantly located on the N and W side of the boulder where the face of the boulder is relatively flat. It is situated in improved pasture 250m NNW of Braeval Farm at the foot of Creag Liath, overlooking the valley of the Craggie Burn.'
[No NGR specified: the attached map indicates a location at NH c. 7407 3948].
Information from Historic Scotland, scheduling document dated 9 March 2007.

This panel was recorded as part of the ScRAP (Scotland’s Rock Art project) by members of NoSAS in November 2018. This panel can be found in an open field on a south facing spur of land which locally slopes gently southeast and overlooks Craggie Burn to the southeast, and the confluence of Craggie Burn with the River Nairn to the west. The railway passes along the south edge of the field. Dun Davie (Hillfort above Daviot, Canmore ID:14107) is just visible about 2km away to the west across the valley. The site is accessible from the track which goes through Craggiemore Farm, past some cottages, and over the railway bridge. The surrounding area above the railway is forestry, some recently felled. The OS map marks a spring 150m east of the panel and hut circles across the valley to the south.

The panel is a low outcrop of schist, about 3.5m across, rising up to 0.6m above the surrounding turf. The northeast part is under turf and rubble. There are two exposed flat sections, on different levels, divided by a cracked area running south to north. The east (higher) section has 9 cups, generally along the south part of the outcrop. The west (lower) section has 3 clear dumbbells, a cup with a short groove, a short groove, and 25 cups. One of the cups is at the edge of a broken area which forms a possible channel. Some of the cups are deeply incised, others are relatively shallower and smaller.<1>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NH 7408 3948 (10m by 10m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH73NW
Geographical Area INVERNESS

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