MHG29953 - Settlement - Buaile Mhor A
Settlement consisting of longhouses and enclosures,were recorded in pre-afforestation surveys and is visible in aerial photography. This settlement is thought to have formed a of core the pre- improvement township of Barabhaig.
Type and Period (4)
- TOWNSHIP? (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)
- SETTLEMENT (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)
- LONGHOUSE (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)
- ENCLOSURE (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)
Protected Status
- None recorded
Images (0)
Documents (2)
Full Description
Longhouse, enclosures, banks and cultivation remains are visible in aerial photography captured 1999-2001. <1>
The ruins of up to sixteen buildings, with associated enclosures and a field system lying on the N and NE faces of a low hill, bounded by the Allt nan Geal-charn on its N, E and W sides, were recorded in pre-afforestation surveys by Wordsworth Archaeological Services in November and Martin Wildgoose in 2002. The locations of most of these sites have been verified by aerial photograph research, but some grid references appear to be incorrect, leading to the possibility of duplication between the two surveys. Further ground work is required to establish an accurate picture of this area, which is though to form a core of the pre-improvement township of Barabhaig which was cleared c 1812.
Information from Ishbel MacKinnon, July 2011. <1>
Wordsworth Archaeological Services Site 11, 2000:
Centred at NG 691 099 are the remains of at least four structures with eroded or robbed walls of turf and stone, partially obscured by bracken and rushes. They sit on a ridge overlooking the main area of cultivation at Barabhaig centred on Buaile Mhor (the big fold).
11.1 NG 69020 09857: a rectangular building aligned NE - SW and measuring 16m x 4m. A large boulder marks the N wall.
11.2 (situated 8m E of the N wall of 11.1): a rectangular building aligned NE - SW and measuring 10m x 3.5m.
11.3 ( situated 65m N of 11.2): a rectangular building measuring 12m x 4m, with turf walls 0.6m thick and standing up to 0.8m high.
11.4 NG 69225 09904 (E of 11.3, distance not measured): a rectangular building on a distinct slope, aligned approximately N-S and measuring 10m x 3.5m. Two other buildings, aligned NE - SW and measuring 8m x 4m, lie to the N of this building with a small yard attached. <3>
Martin Wildgoose, 2002, Site G (NG 6919 0985):
Situated on the SE facing slope to the rear of Camas Barabhaig are the remains of two stone buildings and an associated enclosure. The better preserved of the two buiildings is aligned NE-SW and measures 10m x 4.5m over walls 0.9m thick. The walls stand up to 1m high and have rounded external corners. An inserted wall forms two compartments, each with a door opening in its W corner. This building is situated in, and forms the E corner of, a rectangular enclosure measuring 26m x 18m over walls 1.5m thick. An entrance to the enclosure lies immediately to the NE end of the building.
The second building lies 10m NW of the first. It is aligned NW - SE and measures 10m x 4.5m over turf and stone walls sperad to 1.5m thick. <4>
Martin Wildgoose, 2002, Site H (NG 6922 0990):
On a natural platform centred on this grid reference is a cluster of seven round ended rectangular turf and stone buildings, each measuring c10m x c5m over walls c1m thick. All are in poor condition and difficult to see under dense bracken cover. <4>
Martin Wildgoose, 2002, Site I (NG 6930 0996):
Lying on two small terraces by a fast flowing burn are the remains of three turf and stone built structures, all covered by dense bracken. On the upper terrace are the poorly preserved remains of two round ended buildings, possibly a house and byre. The first building measures 9.5m x 4m over walls 1m thick. The second building lies immediately to the N and measures 5m x 4m.
On the lower terrace is an L-shaped building with square corners. The main building is aligned N-S and consists of two compartments which measure 7m x 5m and 5m x 5m internally. Attached to the W side of the S compartment and lying on a W-E alignment is an annex which measures 6m x 5m internally. All of the walls are 0.9m thick and stand over 1m high in parts. The only visible entrance is situated in the centre of the E facing wall, giving access to the S compartment of the main structure. <4>
Sources/Archives (4)
- <1> SHG27491 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph/Vertical: Get Mapping. 1999-2001. Get Mapping colour vertical aerial photography 1999-2001 (The Millennium Map). XY
- <2> SHG23282 Interactive Resource/Online Database: Historic Environment Scotland. Canmore.
- <3> SHG2370 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wordsworth, J. 2000. Barabhaig WGS Isle of Skye: A Rapid Archaeological Survey. Site no. 11.
- <4> SHG21394 Text/Report: Wildgoose, M Wildgoose M. Barabhaig WGS, Isle of Skye, Rapid Walk-over Surveys of Bracken Infested Areas and an Extention to the Planning Scheme. . . Sites G, H, I.
Grid reference | Centred NG 6912 0992 (201m by 200m) (4 map features) |
Map sheet | NG60NE |
Geographical Area | SKYE AND LOCHALSH |
Civil Parish | SLEAT |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Investigations/Events (2)
External Links (1)
- (Link to online HES Canmore record)
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