MHG31378 - Graveyard - St. Dubhthach's, Kintail,


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  • CEMETERY (Early Medieval to 21st Century - 561 AD to 2100 AD)

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Full Description

NG92SW 3 9463 2103.
Church (NR) (In Ruins) OS 6"map, Ross-shire, 2nd ed., (1905)

The former parish church of Kintail, dedicated to St. Duthae (D MacDonald, A Polson and J Brown 1931) or Dubhthach (W J Watson 1926), who is thought to have died about 1065. Nothing is otherwise known of the origins of the church. It was used in 1719 as a hospital for the Jacobite wounded in the Battle of Glenshiel (NG91SE 1) and, in consequence, was burnt by the Government forces, but was later repaired and was certainly still in use in 1836 (NSA {Rev J Morrison} 1845); and probably remained so until the present church (NG 9296 2122) was built in 1856 (Name Book 1874). The four walls still stand, and the burial ground surrounding it was still in use in 1948 (B G Macrow 1948) NSA (Rev J Morrison written 1836) 1845; Name Book 1874; W J Watson 1926; I C Talyor 1965; B G Macrow 1948; D Macdonald, A Polson and J Brown 1931

As described above, the four walls of this church still stand to roof height. They are 1.0m thick and show indications of recent repair work. The area inside the church walls is the burial ground of the chiefs of the clan Macrae. The graveyard is still in use, and has been extended to the W. A plaque, just inside the gates to the graveyard states, "Kilduich or Clachan Duich". Ancient Church and Burial Ground of Kintail. Dedicated to St. Dubhthach c.1050, though probably in use three centuries earlier". Date of erection of church not known.
Visited by OS (R L) 26 September 1966.

The ruined church, its burial ground and also the Macrae war memorial (see MHG46740) were listed at Category B in 1971.

Wester Ross Monumental Inscriptions', pre 1855: Monumental inscription survey completed by Alastair G. Beattie & Margaret H. Beattie. The survey may not include inscription information after 1855 and each inscription transcribed does not give the full details that appear on the stones, abbreviations used. Some ommissions and inacuraciesmay be encountered. First published 1987, reprinted 1991, 1996 & 1997, with corrections. Kintail old graveyard also served Glenshiel unitl a modern cemetery was opened. <1>

The ruined church and its burial ground were scheduled by Historic Scotland in 2000.

The ruined church and burial ground were removed from the listing in August 2015 as part of a project looking at dual designations of sites in the Highlands, though they remain a scheduled monument. The statutory address was formerly 'Kintail Old Parish Church, Graveyard And Macrae War Memorial'. <2>

See also:
NG92SW0003 (MHG7440) Church

Sources/Archives (8)



Grid reference Centred NG 9463 2103 (79m by 52m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG92SW
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish KINTAIL

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