MHG36295 - Loch Luichart Power Station


Power station

Type and Period (1)

  • POWER STATION (Modern - 1901 AD to 2100 AD)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

Three concrete platforms seen on the north side of the river between the river and the minor road were recorded by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project,. Two, to the west, are situated close together; the third is 300m to the east. The west most two of the three platforms are set in an area of grassy pasture land at the east end of a much larger stoney area. The area is free of trees because of the power lines. They may be part of the construction camp, possibly residences, for the workers on the Luichart Dam in about 1957. Most certainly the middle of the three platforms has had some sort of building standing on it. The westmost may have been altered and reused as a pen, possibly for sheep.

069 Platform - NH 39588 57158 The middle of the three rectangular concrete platform is aligned NW-SE and measures 13m x 4m. It is raised at the west end by 0.1m and at the east end by 0.3m - here there is a step 1.5m in width. Moss covered - 150m to the east on a slightly raised knoll there may be a building, NH 39636 57068. Aligned NW-SE it is difficult to determine its limits but a stone alignment may be its NE wall.

070 Platform/Possible Pen - NH 39559 57158 The westmost of the three platforms, is of concrete, on the same alignment and measures 25m x 4.5m. There is a wall of “breeze” blocks, 0.9m in height, on three of the sides, the NE, SW and NW but there is an aperture of 2m width in the short NW side with a ?step 2m x 1.5m. The structure is open at its SE end. Moss covered - An elongated manmade depression is situated alongside the structure between it and the road. It is 15m x 4m and 1.5m deep and may be associated.

071 Platform - NH 39890 56980 The eastmost of the three platforms, is also of concrete and rectangular in shape, on a WNW-ESE alignment, it measures 55m x 9m. The majority of the platform is free of vegetation but the west most 10m is covered with grass and moss. There is evidence of a brick wall at the east end. At the SW end there is a linear moss-covered “pathway” 1m in width and 20m in length which heads for the river to the S. At the SE end there is a square brick lined pit, 0.7m square and 0.9m deep. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred NH 3942 5702 (60m by 60m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN

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