MHG3882 - Moy Hall


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  • HOUSE (Undated)

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Full Description

NH73NE 1 7681 3509.

The first Moy Hall was built about 1700 at the N end of Loch Moy, replacing the house on the Isle of Moy (NH73SE 2) (Meldrum 1972). Its site is indicated by a stone a few yards from the approach road to the presnt building, erected in 1803 (ISSFC 1888).
ISSFC 1888; E A Meldrum 1972.

An uninscribed stone, said to mark the site of the former Moy Hall, is at NH 7681 3509 (Information from The Mackintosh of Mackintosh, Moy Hall)
Visited by OS (N K B) 21 April 1970.

A newly-erected building stands on the site of this stone.
Visited by OS 9 September 1972.

REFERENCE: Scottish Record Office
New Gates at Gate Lodge at Moy Hall.
Estimate from William Smith, Ness Iron Works, Inverness.
It amounts to ?98.10.0.
1870 GD 128/12/1

Proposed building of Moy Hall Lodge.
Note for tenders for Mason, Carpenter, Plaster, Plumber and Slater work.
1868 GD 128/12/2

Proposed additions to Moy Hall.
Tenders for the work according to Plans and Specifications by John Rhind, Architect [d. 1889].
A Covering note indicates that the expense of Mason, Carpenter, Slater, Plumber, Smith and Glazier work will amount to ?7.460.
1872 GD 128/12/1

Proposed additions to Moy Hall.
Estimate from Inverness Granite Marble and Stone Works.
It includes the execution of sculptor work on capitals and pilasters, granite columns and a Hall chimney piece.
The expense is stated as &460.8.0.
1872 GD 128/12/1

The large Entrance Gates at Moy Hall.
Receipted account for the 4 gates. It amounted to ?215.0.0.
1871 GD 128/12/1

Abstract of Accounts due to William Smith, Ness Iron Works, Inverness.
They include work for Moy Hall, Daviot and Kincraig.
Attested by John Rhind, Architect, Inverness.
1869 GD 128/12/1

Tenders required for Building. Advertisement seeking tenders for tradesmen for:
1. Additions to the Inn. 5. Dwelling House for Achnaderry.
2. Office for the Inn 6. New Offices for Achnaderry
3. Drill shed. 7. Cottage.
4. Post Office and store.
Plans and Specifications may be seen on application to John Rhind, Architect, Inverness.
1869 GD 128/12/2

Inventory of Plans Delivered by c Fraser MacKintosh to Mr Sinclair. The Plans listed are surveys except for:-
The Gate Lodge, Moy Hall
Old Plan of Moy Hall.
Kennels at Moy Hall.
1873 GD 128/11/2

Building Contracts.
Inventory of Miscellaneous Papers delivered to the MacKintosh by Mr Fraser MacKintosh.
It included a bundle of papers relating to Building Contracts by the MacKintosh since 1868 'mostly if not all finished'.
1873 GD 128/11/2

Payment for Mason Work in Lochaber.
Receipted account from John Campbell, Lochaber Mason Works for work carried out 1869-1870.
It includes payments for Drill Hall, Fishwatcher's Cottage, Creunachan Bridge and Roy Bridge Inn and amounts to ?724.0.6.
1871 GD 128/12/1

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NH 7691 3516 (20m by 20m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH73NE
Geographical Area INVERNESS

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