MHG39287 - Garrimatic (Obiri Cottage), Strathconon


Farm and buildings at Garrimatic

Type and Period (1)

  • FARM (Post Medieval - 1560 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

Garrimatic named and marked on 1st ed OS. This shows a 3 comparmented building to S of the road (now called Obiri Cottage). 4 further roofed buildings in arc to S (one with possible horse gin). These would be on rising land and tucked under the hill. On the opposite side of the road is an open area before the drop to the river. Now has modern shed on it. Lage stone retained beside the road with tree growing through it. Photo - HAW 07/06/2005

Garrimatic; This site centred on NH 4142 5540 is on the south side of the road, in a sheltered position with birch woods surrounding and a fertile field on the north side of the road adjacent. It is on a north facing slope and only 60m or so from the river. The main roofed building of the settlement is occupied and in good order, it is not described here. The surrounding enclosure/garden has been extensively altered and landscaped. A track leaves the SE corner of the enclosure and heads up for the dam 275 just 100m away. A small settlement of 2 roofed buildings appears on FES and 3 households are noted in the census records between 1841 and 1881.

274 - Building - NH 41399 55448 - A few metres to the SE of the main building on top of a small knoll there is a circular stone walled enclosure with a diameter of 6m surrounding a level platform recessed into the knoll. It is probably of recent construction and may be a sun lounging platform; although the owner had been told it may be the footings of a circular building for hanging deer. A straight stone setting 6m in length cuts off an arc in the north part. It is almost certainly the single course of an internal face of the wall of a building and extends to the east, outside the possible garden feature. This appears to be all that remains of a roofed
building marked on the FES. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred NH 4136 5546 (100m by 100m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH45NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN

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