MHG44824 - Rectangular building, dyke and rig - Allt Thuirnaig


A ruined rectangular structure, dyke and rig, identified during a DBA and ground survey by the National Trust for Scotland in 1998.

Type and Period (4)

  • LAZY BEDS (Undated)
  • BUILDING (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • DYKE (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • RIG AND FURROW (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

NG88SE 14 centred at 8709 8336

A hut-circle and at least 3 buildings are disposed across a narrow terrace running along shore of Loch Thurnaig to W of the Allt Thuirnaig and bounded to the S and E by rising, broken ground. Field banks, of at least two phases, enclose the greater part of the terrace, running along the edge of the rough ground to the S. The terrace is covered with lazy-beds measuring between 2m and 3m across and generally running approximately N to S across terrace. To N and NW of the hut-circle there are are least 3 small cairns measuring up to 3m in diameter and 0.3m in height.
The hut-circle (NG 8709 8336, Inverewe 38) is situated on the leading edge of the terrace and measures 8.3m from NNE to SSW by 7.7m transversely within a boulder-faced stony bank 1.6m in thickness and 0.5m in height. The entrance is on the SE; a fragment of bank extends for about 20m to N from N side of the hut-circle wall. In a small bay, some 90m to W of hut-circle, there is a rectangular building (NG 8702 8335, Inverewe 39) lying just above the Mean High Water Springs. Along the terrace to the E of the hut-circle there are at least two further buildings (NG 8723 8339, Inverewe 40; NG 8731 8338, Inverewe 41) in amongst lazy-beds which have been disturbed by cattle. (Inverewe 38-41)
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 9 June 1994.

A rectangular structure identified in a DBA and walkover survey undertaken by the National Trust for Scotland at their Inverewe Estate in 1998.
(INVG022) In a small bay, just above the high water mark, is a rectangular structure - a house and a byre presumably - measuring c8.3m by c3.1m internally with walls c0.7m thick and c0.4m high and aligned NE-SW. A short length of dyke runs from the SE corner of the structure S-wards for a short distance. Immediately to the south of the structure is an area of rig.
It was considered to be in stable condition with photography recommended once every five years. <1>

A rectangular structure is visible on aerial photography, with rig to the south and east of it. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NG 8703 8336 (8m by 10m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG88SE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish GAIRLOCH

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